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The Instructions That Should Be Followed To Ensure A Good Harvest

July 23 2020 Published on #John deere 9500 combine settings, #John deere 9500, #combine settings

To achieve a good yield, a farmer must know how to handle their combine harvester. A harvester, when assigned with the appropriate settings, will be capable of producing better harvest and minimizing grain damage; preventing chances of a loss during the harvest season. However, tests have found a few crops that require a little more care and attention. However, the John deere 9500 combine settings can help the farmers achieve excellence, effortlessly. Series of trials and tests have proven the setting to be stable, and appropriate to be used on all crops.

Instructions that may help produce a better yield.

• Follow instructions from the User Manual.
A combine harvester can seem complicated at first glance, but to understand the machine, and the John Deere 9500 combine settings to the utmost detail, it would be better if you refer to the user manual. The user manual is no less than the bible, which can help guide your combine harvester. The manual contains every nitty-gritty detail regarding the machine and its workings. It also includes setting instructions that may prove useful while harvesting a plethora of essential crops in the field.
• Examining Crops
Before the farmers can hit the fields looking to make a good harvest, they must examine the condition that the crops are in, in the areas. The proper examination will help determine the appropriate settings perfect for the yield in question. For example, vital crops with short stems can be adequately harvested by lowering the cutter bars. Similarly, for dry produce, the farmer might need to change the reel auger to reduce grain damage.   
• Routine Checkups
For the John Deere 9500 combine settings to function smoothly, the farmers must keep checking their combined harvesters for potential problems. The farmers must see to it that the parts within the machine are in good condition. The knives, sickles and the cutter blades must remain sharp. It would be better if the farmer replaces any damaged parts before something serious could transpire.
• Examination of Essential Parts and Adjustment
Farmers must ensure that the guards are stable and placed in the correct angle. The feeder house must also be adjusted appropriately to ensure a proper harvest. It is also essential for the farmers to maintain the condition of the chains, bolts, bearings and nuts; lubricating them from time to time, and replacing them when rusted. Farmers must keep servicing their combine harvester, while also maintaining a record of it. The servicing must be done within proper intervals.
To ensure a proper harvest, the farmer must use the appropriate John Deere 9500 combine settings. However, by the above analysis, it can be understood that it is not just the settings that affect good crop yield. Still, the maintenance and the sustenance of the machinery must also be prioritized. The farms must ensure that rules and regulations are followed without fail, such that the most vital of all crops can produce a good harvest, profiting both the farmer and the consumers.

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